TEJASJOBS.COM founded in 2024. Founder of TEJASJOBS.COM With a vision of creating a free one stop destination for all kind of job searches starting from lower level employee to CEO.

namoyojana.com is our parental Website which is working in the market since 2022. It has three verticals such as Govt. Schemes, Trending Topisc & How to Do anything.

TEJASJOBS.COM Facilitating a job search which is free to search easy to use, efficient in terms of relevance of job and effective so as the searcher gets what he wants and he doesn’t need to go any were else. The motivation was to eliminate the role of middle men so as to benefit both employee and employer in terms of Time Money and other valuable Resources

Vision: TEJASJOBS.COM works with the vision giving the path for any job seeker to get an appropriate jobs at one place. And provide a single platform where a job seeker gets his requird jobs and All Search Ends Here.